“Not any retrofit but a Sidunn”

We keep your circuit breaker in topcondition

Use our extensive installation audit to test your circuit breakers on various components. An important part of this check is checking the availability of spare parts. This ensures that your installation can continue for years.

We keep your circuit breaker in topcondition


Use our extensive installation audit to test your circuit breakers on various components. An important part of this check is checking the availability of spare parts. This ensures that your installation can continue for years.

Looking for the right solution?

We create them!

By using innovative techniques such as 3d printing we create non-existent solutions for your electrical installation. Forward engineering that even the manufacturer of your installation does not know!

Looking for the right solution?

 We create them!

By using innovative techniques such as 3d printing we create non-existent solutions for your electrical installation. Forward engineering that even the manufacturer of your installation does not know!

The technical specialists for every unique situation

Our specialists have knowledge and experience to work in the most challenging locations. From drilling platform to hospital. Critical power is our comfort zone! Our certified employees have experience with helicopter flights, sailing maintenance and know how to deal with (heavily) secured situations including hospitals, ministries etc.

the technical specialists for every unique situation

Our specialists have knowledge and experience to work in the most challenging locations. From drilling platform to hospital. Critical power is our comfort zone! Our certified employees have experience with helicopter flights, sailing maintenance and know how to deal with (heavily) secured situations including hospitals, ministries etc.

The top 10 of Santon Circuit Breaker Services

24/7 service

Minimum conversion times


experts in safety


assistence with installation

Own research & development

Worldwide services


periodic auditing



certification of installations

Support for turn-key installations


In 2019 we started to introduce even more innovative products that are very interesting for you as a user. Sidunn products that will help you as a customer to achieve your goals for your organization and do not take up any of your circuit breakers or installation. Sidunn® will move you forward!!



inspectie van uw



Life time warranty



Oplossingen voor
obsolete installaties


Knowledge conference big succes

Knowledge conference big succes

The Knowledge conference was a big succes. You'll find more information and pictures on our facebook page. The handouts of the presentation can be found here.

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Santon Kennisdag 2015

Tijdens de jaarlijkse Santon Kennisdag wordt u gedurende een aantal sessies op de hoogte gebracht van de laatste ontwikkelingen binnen wet- regelgeving, praktijkrichtlijnen en de mogelijkheden die Santon te bieden heeft t.a.v. de veiligheid van uw elektrische...

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