In March 2017, Santon was commissioned by a British building materials supplier (quarry) to replace an old Ottermill OMA-circuit breaker. After thoughtful research it was determined that a Semi-Plug & Play solution should be provided. But what’s the difference...
Today we are pleased to announce that discoverIE located in the UK has bought our company Santon Group BV located in the Netherlands. Please allow us to explain in this communication why the global Santon team is very enthusiastic to enter into this new phase of our...
Weet u het nog? Met een Plug&Play oplossing maakt santon gebruik van het oude chassis van de oude schakelaar. Een unieke oplossing voor het vervangen van oude schakelaars! De ombouw tijd is hiermee zeer gering. In dit geval betreft het een oude AEG type ME van...
Wie naar en van een offshore-bestemming wil reizen, moet een Helikopter Under Water Emergency Training (HUET) volgen. Zo ook servicetechnicus Narek Ghazarian van Santon Circuit Breaker Services. Ghazarian en collega Coung Le slaagden voor de training en kunnen nu ook...
Last month Santon Circuit Breaker Services their ISO 9001 quality system was audited for the first time by Bureau Veritas. And although we need to do so minor modifications to our system we will obtain our certificate within the next weeks.
The Santon Circuit Breaker Services knowledge conference was a huge success thanks to all your positive participation during our event. Under the hyperlinks below you will find the presentations that where held that day and background information that we received from...